Freemasonry is the oldest, largest and most widely known fraternal organization in the world, possibly dating back to the 10th Century, B.C. Many notable historic figures have been Masons.
Locally, Harmony Lodge No. 429 has been embedded and active in the Community for over 150 years. We have hundreds of members with diverse backgrounds.
Harmony Lodge No. 429 was constituted January 5, 1869 by District Deputy Grand Master G.D.Kughler. The original petition for a Warrant of Constitution was signed by the following eleven men: Brothers, Elias Gillespie, Revenue Officer, Robert H. Kinnear, Farmer, Sydney M. Wiehl, Cabinet Maker, Joseph S. Lusk, Physician, Austin Pearce, Druggist,Jeremiah W. Bowman, Farmer, Loring Lusk, Druggist, James Lytle, Farmer, James M. Covert, Shoe Dealer, Amos Lusk Physician.
The Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania WarrantedHarmony Lodge No. 429 Free and AcceptedMasons on September 10th, 1868. The firstofficers of Harmony Lodge were Brothers Joseph Lusk, WorshipfulMaster, Elias Gillespie, Senior Warden, and Austin Pearce, JuniorWarden.
The first meeting place of Harmony Lodge was on the second floor of the Harmony Academy. Some years later the Lodge moved toZelienople andoccupied the third floor of the Bastain Building.
A fire in 1903 destroyed the Bastain Building andonly two stories were rebuilt. The Lodge then moved back to Harmony and occupied the second floor of the Wise Lumber Company Building.
During the year 1906. the Lodge moved to theVarner Building located at the corner of West New Castle Street and Main Street and remained there until 1968. The Lodge then moved to its present location on East Beaver Street, Zelienople.
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